Fashion is a moment

Colors are words, too.

How to have and care for long hair : 10 things I do

I have been growing my hair for the past 13 1/2 years and it has not been cut in the same length of time. It was easy-ish to care for during the first 8 or so years, but in the more recent past has proved to be a bit of a tangle quite and seriously literally. In today's culture there are few women who have uncut hair and there is quite frankly no one person I can go to for advice. But of course there is the internet and over the years I have done marathon binge sessions on blogs, on YouTube, appealing to the oracle at Google for answers to my sometimes plaintive call, often clarion cry, for advice, help, answers to my hair care questions. Say with me, "Hair....i care. i care." I am going to list off some of the things I do to care for my long uncut hair in no particular order of importance save #1 which is very important to every aspect of health.

#1. I drink water. These days I try to drink a gallon of water everyday. There is a lot of information out there about the positive health impacts of drinking enough water. I was very inspired by an evangelist who came to my church after a cancer scare. He sang the praises of drinking a gallon of water every day. He said according to his research from the oracle at Google that a gallon of water imbibed everyday was anti-cancer. So, I will just believe it. On the flip side, I know a woman who says, rather smugly, "I don't drink water. I don't like water. I drink Pepsi, soda, Coka cola," and I have been watching her hair break at the rate of inches per year. People, drink water. Your hair needs it to stay supple. Hair is not dead contrary to popular belief. It needs water. Drink enough water to hydrate your very tip's ends.

2. I take supplements -- lots of them. There is a lot of information out there about supplements and I have done a moderate to obsessive amount of research on them. Coincidentally, the supplements that you take targeting your hair also positively impact your skin and nails. I fill up a couple of pill containers that I purchased at the Dollar Store and that dials me in for a month. Then I usually skip a week because I am too annoyed and impatient at the thought of doing it again. Recently, I skipped my supplements for a couple of weeks and found myself feeling tired and sluggish. So, it makes a difference for me. I am definitely not recommending you take all or any of the supplements that I take. And please consult your physician if you have any sensitivities or special health needs. But, here is my list.
  • Vitamin C -1000 mg
  • Magnesium Bone Complex
  • Turmeric
  • L-lysine
  • Iron -325 mg
  • Folic Acid -1000 mcg
  • Probiotic Formula
  • Saw Palmetto - 450 mg
  • Glucosamine - 1500 mg
  • MSM - 1500 mg
  • Omega 3 Fish oil - 1000 mg
  • Cod liver oil
  • Vitamin - A 25,000 IU
  • Hyaluronic Acid with Vitamin C 
  • Super B Complex
  • Calcium + D

There it is. Whew, you feelin' me? The actual vitamins from the above list ebb and flow depending upon what I have on hand and whether I'm feeling lazy or not. One more important point is that I take all my vitamins at night with 24 oz. of water right before I go to bed. I decided to start doing it this way because I figured that a resting body would have all its energy available to assimilate the water and vitamins into the cells. And it occurred to me that there might be a reason that children ask for a glass of water before bed. They intuitively know that their body can use the water to hydrate at night.

#3. I cover my hair at night. This particular aspect has been a slightly ridiculous journey a la Larry, Curly and Mo. Suffice it to say that I wear a lovely ivory turban at night. I wear my hair in the same bun that I have worn all day and I cover it with a turban. I have my soul sisters and binge sessions on YouTube to thank for this revelation. Please note: Do not wear anything on your head at night that is, how shall I say, abrasive or catches the hair as this will lead to breakage. Even though the inside of the turban I wear is a smooth knit, I first cover my head with a silky wrap. And then place the turban over that. (One day soon, I hope to prioritize lining my turban with a silky fabric.) Avoid cotton woven and knits. Stick to silkies right next to your hair.

#4. I wear my hair in a protective style. My hair has grown so long that as much as I would like to experiment with lovely braids and exotic buns, I cannot. I choose not to for several reasons. Firstly, the hair is like a garment--the more it is washed and worn, the quicker it wears out. Combing and handling promote breakage-short story. So I have become a bit of a cartoon character from frame to frame. You will see me in different settings wearing different clothes (sometimes) but almost always with the same hair. If a twisted topknot raises above the parapet, you know it's Danielle.

#5. I comb through my hair about every two weeks and only if my back is against the wall and I must. Meaning if my hair has become mussed looking or if my scalp needs to be conditioned, I will take out my twist. Then, careful to not catch a single strand, I cut the pony tail holder off of the top of my head rather than risk pulling hairs out by unwinding it. Then, painstakingly, using my fingers, a shower comb, a brush or whatever seems like causes the least damage, I begin to untangle my hair. (I also save all my hairs in a box. I rather randomly and unscientifically label envelopes with a date. I'm obsessed.)

#6. I deep condition my hair every time I comb through it. I will blend oils and essential oils through my hair so that my scalp and my hair will soak up some deep conditioning. 

I put a few drops of 
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Rosemary essential oil
  • Peppermint essential oil

Into any or a combination of the following  
  • Argan oil
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Rosehipseed oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Teensy bit of Castor oil

#7. I do not heat treat my hair. It will cause breakage. I used to blow dry, back comb, curl my hair with hot sticks and curling irons. All of that took a great toll on the health of my hair, its thickness and all the rest. I regret it. If I had it to do over again, I would not. I was trying to fit in. I was not even being myself. Be yourself, everyone else is taken. And no heat treating.

#8. I do not perm my hair. It will cause breakage.

#9. I wash my hair infrequently. This discussion tends to incite strong words and feelings of  grossness-out-ness and disgust. But it is not uncommon in the world of my soul sisters on YouTube (to which I long to become an honorary member) for some of the sisters to wash and comb their hair once a month all the while wearing protective styles in between times. And I do belong to that camp. So cast aspersions if you must but I have already been to the water and the blood of the Lamb covers my head. When that day arrives that - meaning washing my hair - it is pretty much my whole day. It's all I'm doing. Old style. I am totally and agonizingly unavailable. After I wash it (with Jason Dandruff control shampoo), I just let it air dry. I never try to comb through it while it is wet. Just the thought of that gives me PTSD flashbacks.

#10. I pray. I pray as often as I remember specifically for God to make my hair twice as thick and twice as long. Why? Because. To me there is nothing more beautiful on me than my long, healthy, thick hair and I want thicker. longer, stronger, and healthier hair. How about you?

Thank you for reading my blog post about how to care for long hair. I hope it has helped you in some way. If you want to connect with me, links to other my social channels are under the header at the top of the page. Say hi me on Instagram and let me know what you thought of my article. Have a great week-end! Now I must go and comb my hair.
© Hello, Danielle Celeste.

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